Rights Management can track various custom events that
may be performed on a protected document. You can enable the tracking
of events from the Rights Management server at the global level
or at a policy level. You can then set up a JavaScript to capture
specific actions performed within the protected PDF document such
as clicking a button, or saving the document. This usage data is sent
as an XML file in key-value pairs, which you can use for further
analysis. End users who access the protected documents can allow
or decline such tracking from the client application.
If tracking is enabled at the global level, you can override
this setting at the policy level and disable it for a particular
policy. Policy-level overriding is not possible if tracking is disabled
at the global level. The list of tracked events is automatically pushed
to the server when the event count reaches 25 or when the document
is closed. You can also configure your script to explicitly push
the event list as per your requirements. You can customize the event
tracking by accessing the Rights Management object properties and
After you enable tracking, all policies that are subsequently
created will have tracking turned on by default. Policies created
prior to tracking being enabled on the server will need manual updates.