This section describes the steps required to recover the
LiveCycle data. Also see Special considerations for backup and recovery.
Important: The database, GDS, AEM repository, and
Content Storage Root directories must be restored to a computer
with the same DNS name as the original.
LiveCycle should recover reliably from the following failures:
Disk Failure: The latest backup media is required to recover
the database content.
Data Corruption: File systems do not record past transactions,
and systems may accidentally overwrite required process data.
User Error: Recovery is limited to the data that is made
available by the database. If the data was stored and is available,
recovery is simplified.
Power Outage, System Crash: File system APIs are often
not designed or used in a robust manner that guards against unexpected
system failures. If a power outage or system crash occurs, document
content that is stored in the database is more likely to be up to
date than content that is stored on a file system.
If you are using rolling backup mode, you are still in backup
mode after recovery. If you are using snapshot backup mode, you
are not in backup mode after recovery.
When restoring from backup to a new system, the following configurations
may be different. This difference should not affect a successful
recovery of the LiveCycle application:
Important: The backup of the Content Storage Root
directory must be restored to the location of that directory as
it was set during Content Services configuration.
If a single node of a multinode cluster failed and the remaining
nodes of the cluster are operating properly, perform the cluster
single-node recovery procedure.
Changing the GDS location during recovery
If your GDS is restored to a location other than where
it was originally, run the LCSetGDS script to set the GDS to the
new location. The script is in the [LiveCycle root]\sdk\misc\Foundation\SetGDSCommandline folder.
The script takes two parameters, defaultGDS and newGDS.
See the ReadMe.txt file in the same folder for
instructions on how to run the script.
Note: If you had enabled document storage in database,
you don’t need to change the GDS location.
Important: This circumstance is the only one under
which you should use this script to change the GDS location. To
change the GDS location while LiveCycle is running, use Administration
Console. (See
Configure general LiveCycle settings.)
Important: Component deployment will fail on Windows
if the GDS directory is at the drive root (for example, D:\). For
GDS, you must make sure that the directory is not located at the
root of the drive but is located in a subdirectory. For example,
the directory should be D:\GDS and not simply D:\.