Using Rights Management, you can configure default settings
for the dynamic watermark option that you can apply when you create
policies. A watermark is an image that is superimposed over
text in the document. It is useful for tracking the content of a
document and can help identify illegal use of the content.
A dynamic watermark can consist of either text made up of defined
variables such as user ID and date and custom text, or rich content
within a PDF. You can configure watermarks with several elements
each with its own positioning and formatting.
Watermarks are not editable and therefore they are a more secure
method of ensuring the confidentiality of the document content.
Dynamic watermarks also ensure that a watermark shows enough user-specific
information to act as a deterrent to further distributing the document.
The watermark that a policy specifies appears in the policy-protected
document when a recipient views or prints the document. Unlike permanent
watermarks, a dynamic watermark is never saved in the document,
which provides the flexibility that is necessary when deploying
a document in an intranet environment to ensure that the viewing
application displays the identity of the specific user. Also, if
a document has multiple users, the use of the dynamic watermark
means you can use one document instead of multiple versions, each
with a different watermark. The watermark that appears reflects
the identity of the current user.
Notice that dynamic watermarks are different from the watermarks
that users can add directly to the document in Acrobat. The result
is that you can have two watermarks in a policy-protected document.