Пакет | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers |
Класс | public class DataDictionaryHandler |
Наследование | DataDictionaryHandler ![]() ![]() |
Реализует | IAssetHandler |
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Свойство | Определено | ||
assetActions : IList
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
![]() | constructor : Object
Ссылка на объект класса или функцию конструктора для данного экземпляра объекта. | Object | |
currentAction : AssetAction
The action that the handler is currently executing. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
selectedAssets : Array
The array of data dictionary value objects currently selected by the user. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
service : DataDictionaryRegistryService [статические]
The infrastructure service for handling transfer objects of type Data Dictionary. | DataDictionaryHandler |
Метод | Определено | ||
Constructor. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
![]() | addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Регистрирует объект прослушивателя события на объекте EventDispatcher для получения прослушивателем уведомления о событии. | EventDispatcher | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
![]() |
Посылает событие в поток событий. | EventDispatcher | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Edit. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
Returns the asset type handled by this handler. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
Called the Asset Action is delegated to the handler
| DataDictionaryHandler | ||
![]() |
Проверяет, имеет ли объект EventDispatcher прослушиватели, зарегистрированные для определенного типа события. | EventDispatcher | |
![]() |
Показывает, определено ли заданное свойство для объекта. | Object | |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
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Показывает, есть ли экземпляр класса Object в цепи прототипов объекта, заданного в качестве параметра. | Object | |
![]() |
Показывает наличие заданного свойства и его перечисляемость. | Object | |
![]() |
Удаляет прослушиватель из объекта EventDispatcher. | EventDispatcher | |
![]() |
Задает доступность динамического свойства для операций цикла. | Object | |
![]() |
Возвращает строковое представление этого объекта, отформатированного в соответствии со стандартами, принятыми для данной локали. | Object | |
![]() |
Возвращает строковое представление заданного объекта. | Object | |
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Возвращает элементарное значение заданного объекта. | Object | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type View. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
![]() |
Проверяет, зарегистрирован ли прослушиватель события для указанного типа события с данным объектом EventDispatcher или любым его предшественником. | EventDispatcher |
Метод | Определено | ||
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
handles the default Action(AssetActionEvent.ACTIN_DEFAULT) such as Item double click on search results grid. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
Redispatching the asset action event to show the import Asset Popup
| DataDictionaryHandler | ||
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type RevertToLastPublish. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
Called internally when this handler is handling action of type MarkForPublish
This method modifies the state of asset to Ready to Publish . | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Publish. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
Called internally when the user selects the button on the Revert To Last Publish Pop up . | DataDictionaryHandler |
Событие | Сводка | Определено | ||
![]() | [многоадресное событие] Отправляется, когда проигрыватель Flash Player или приложение AIR перемещается в фокус операционной системы и становится активным. | EventDispatcher | ||
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | DataDictionaryHandler | |||
![]() | [многоадресное событие] Отправляется, когда проигрыватель Flash Player или приложение AIR теряет фокус системы и становится неактивным. | EventDispatcher | ||
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | DataDictionaryHandler |
Константа | Определено | ||
ACTION_CREATE : String = "Create" [статические]
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
ACTION_DELETE : String = "Delete" [статические]
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
ACTION_EDIT : String = "Edit" [статические]
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE : String = "ExportPackage" [статические]
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE : String = "ImportPackage" [статические]
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
ACTION_MARKFORPUBLISH : String = "MarkForPublish" [статические]
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
ACTION_PUBLISH : String = "PublishDD" [статические]
Constant for the name of the action related to markforpublish of an asset. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
ACTION_REVERTTOLASTPUBLISH : String = "RevertToLastPublish" [статические]
Constant for the name of the action related to revert to last publish of an asset. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
ACTION_VIEW : String = "View" [статические]
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | DataDictionaryHandler | ||
ASSET_TYPE : String = "DataDictionary" [статические]
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | DataDictionaryHandler |
assetActions | свойство |
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. This list is used by the asset manager framework to determine which action to enable. The asset manager framework looks for the value of the enabled flag in the AssetAction object to determine the same and handler updates the flags everytime the list of selected assets changes.
Это свойство можно использовать в качестве источника для связывания данных. При изменении этого свойства отправляется событие propertyChange
public function get assetActions():IList
public function set assetActions(value:IList):void
currentAction | свойство |
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
The action that the handler is currently executing. This is useful in cases when the editor needs to know the action that the working asset is being acted upon. For instance, the editor might need to disable some of the fields if it is a view action.
Это свойство можно использовать в качестве источника для связывания данных. При изменении этого свойства отправляется событие propertyChange
public function get currentAction():AssetAction
public function set currentAction(value:AssetAction):void
selectedAssets | свойство |
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
The array of data dictionary value objects currently selected by the user. This is set by the asset manager framework everytime a user selects or deselects an item of type DataDictionary.
Это свойство можно использовать в качестве источника для связывания данных. При изменении этого свойства отправляется событие propertyChange
public function get selectedAssets():Array
public function set selectedAssets(value:Array):void
service | свойство |
public static var service:DataDictionaryRegistryService
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
The infrastructure service for handling transfer objects of type Data Dictionary.
DataDictionaryHandler | () | Конструктор |
public function DataDictionaryHandler()
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
createDataDictionary | () | метод |
public function createDataDictionary():void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. The default implementation creates a new data dictionary domain object, assigns it as the working asset and dispatches the launchEditor event so that the framework can display the editor window to the user. This method can be extended to override the creation behavior of this handler. For instance, if creation requires some preprocessing or some checks that need to be made, the same can be done by overriding this method.
deleteDataDictionary | () | метод |
protected function deleteDataDictionary(showWaring:Boolean = true):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. The default implementation deletes s single selected DataDictionary. A confirmation Alert dialog is shown to the user but can be curbed by setting the showWarning flag value to false. The launchEditor event is never dispatched while handling the delete action.
showWaring:Boolean (default = true ) — Should the warning be shown before deletion
mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken token
editDataDictionary | () | метод |
public function editDataDictionary():void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Edit. The default implementation creates a new data dictionary domain object from the selected data dictionary value object.
getAssetType | () | метод |
public function getAssetType():String
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns the asset type handled by this handler. This is used by the asset manager framework to route actions to appropriate handlers.
ВозвращаетString — the asset type handled by this handler.
handleAction | () | метод |
public function handleAction(event:AssetActionEvent):void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called the Asset Action is delegated to the handler
event:AssetActionEvent — AssetActionEvent containing information about the action
handleDefaultAction | () | метод |
protected function handleDefaultAction(event:AssetActionEvent):void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
handles the default Action(AssetActionEvent.ACTIN_DEFAULT) such as Item double click on search results grid. If user has edit permission, then asset is opened in edit mode. otherwise if user has view peermission then asset is opened in view mode.
event:AssetActionEvent — AssetActionEvent containing information about the action
handleImportManagerPopUp | () | метод |
protected function handleImportManagerPopUp(event:AssetActionEvent):void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Redispatching the asset action event to show the import Asset Popup
event:AssetActionEvent — AssetActionEvent containing information about the import action
handleRevertToLastPublish | () | метод |
protected function handleRevertToLastPublish():void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type RevertToLastPublish. This method all the revert to last publish functionality and shows either alert or pop up of all the dependent assets.
initialize | () | метод |
public function initialize():void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves.
launchExportPopUp | () | метод |
protected function launchExportPopUp():void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ExportPackage. This method launches the export Pop up to display all the assets to be exported .
launchImportPopUp | () | метод |
protected function launchImportPopUp():void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type ImportPackage. This method launches the import Pop up to display all the assets to be imported .
markForPublish | () | метод |
protected function markForPublish():void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling action of type MarkForPublish This method modifies the state of asset to Ready to Publish .
publish | () | метод |
protected function publish():void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Publish. This method publishes the asset using id of that asset.
revertToLastPublish | () | метод |
protected function revertToLastPublish(event:CloseEvent):void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when the user selects the button on the Revert To Last Publish Pop up .
event:CloseEvent — CloseEvent
viewDataDictionary | () | метод |
public function viewDataDictionary():void
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type View. The default implementation creates a new data dictionary domain object from the selected data dictionary value object, assigns it as the working asset and dispatches the launchEditor event so that the framework can display the editor window to the user. This method can be extended to override the "view" behavior of this handler. For instance, if viewing action requires some preprocessing or some checks that need to be made, the same can be done by overriding this method.
assetActionsChanged | Событие |
свойство AssetActionsChangeEvent.type =
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. It is redispatched by the AssetHandlerRegistry and finally handled by AssetManagerView
launchEditor | Событие |
свойство AssetActionEvent.type =
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. Create/View/Edit/Copy are the actions that require displaying the editor window to the user.
ACTION_CREATE | Константа |
public static const ACTION_CREATE:String = "Create"
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset.
ACTION_DELETE | Константа |
public static const ACTION_DELETE:String = "Delete"
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset.
ACTION_EDIT | Константа |
public static const ACTION_EDIT:String = "Edit"
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset.
public static const ACTION_EXPORTPACKAGE:String = "ExportPackage"
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to exporting dependencies of an asset.
public static const ACTION_IMPORTPACKAGE:String = "ImportPackage"
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to importing dependencies of an asset.
public static const ACTION_MARKFORPUBLISH:String = "MarkForPublish"
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to activation of an asset.
ACTION_PUBLISH | Константа |
public static const ACTION_PUBLISH:String = "PublishDD"
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to markforpublish of an asset.
public static const ACTION_REVERTTOLASTPUBLISH:String = "RevertToLastPublish"
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to revert to last publish of an asset.
ACTION_VIEW | Константа |
public static const ACTION_VIEW:String = "View"
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset.
ASSET_TYPE | Константа |
public static const ASSET_TYPE:String = "DataDictionary"
Язык версии: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Версия продукта: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Версии среды выполнения: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler.
Tue Jun 12 2018, 11:34 AM Z