Paket | |
Klasse | public class UserEvent |
Vererbung | UserEvent ![]() ![]() |
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Asset Composer“ 9.5 |
Laufzeitversionen: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Methode | Definiert von | ||
Constructor. | UserEvent | ||
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | UserEvent | ||
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Eine Dienstprogrammfunktion zur Implementierung der toString()-Methode in benutzerdefinierten ActionScript 3.0 Event-Klassen. | Event | |
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Gibt an, ob für ein Objekt eine bestimmte Eigenschaft definiert wurde. | Object | |
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Überprüft, ob die preventDefault()-Methode bei dem Ereignis aufgerufen wurde. | Event | |
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Gibt an, ob eine Instanz der Object-Klasse in der Prototypkette des Objekts vorhanden ist, das als Parameter angegeben wurde. | Object | |
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Bricht das Standardverhalten eines Ereignisses ab, wenn dieses Verhalten abgebrochen werden kann. | Event | |
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Gibt an, ob die angegebene Eigenschaft vorhanden ist und durchlaufen werden kann. | Object | |
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Legt die Verfügbarkeit einer dynamischen Eigenschaft für Schleifenoperationen fest. | Object | |
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Verhindert die Verarbeitung von Ereignis-Listenern im aktuellen Knoten und in Knoten, die dem aktuellen Knoten im Ereignisablauf nachfolgen. | Event | |
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Verhindert die Verarbeitung von Ereignis-Listenern in Knoten, die dem aktuellen Knoten im Ereignisablauf nachfolgen. | Event | |
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Gibt die Stringdarstellung dieses Objekts zurück, formatiert entsprechend den Konventionen des Gebietsschemas. | Object | |
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Gibt eine Zeichenfolge zurück, die alle Eigenschaften des Ereignisobjekts enthält. | Event | |
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Gibt den Grundwert des angegebenen Objekts zurück. | Object |
Konstante | Definiert von | ||
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED : String = "authenticationFailed" [statisch]
This type of event would be dispatched when authentication fails using the username, password. | UserEvent | ||
AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED : String = "authenticationRequired" [statisch]
This type of event would be dispatched when authentication using SSO is not achieved. | UserEvent | ||
AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS : String = "authenticationSuccess" [statisch]
This type of event would be dispatched when the Authentication process is successful. | UserEvent | ||
LOAD_USER_COMPLETE : String = "loadUserComplete" [statisch]
This type of event would be dispatched when load User is complete. | UserEvent | ||
LOGOUT_COMPLETE : String = "logoutComplete" [statisch]
This type of event would be dispatched when logout is complete. | UserEvent | ||
RENEW_SESSION_COMPLETE : String = "renewSessionComplete" [statisch]
This type of event would be dispatched when renew Session is complete. | UserEvent |
UserEvent | () | Konstruktor |
public function UserEvent(type:String)
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Asset Composer“ 9.5 |
Laufzeitversionen: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
Constructor. Accepts an event type
and instantiates the corresponding UserEvent
type:String — One of the event type constants.
clone | () | Methode |
override public function clone():Event
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Asset Composer“ 10 |
Laufzeitversionen: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass.
Returns a new Event object that is a copy of the original instance of the Event object.
You do not normally call clone()
; the EventDispatcher class calls it automatically
when you redispatch an event—that is, when you call dispatchEvent(event)
from a handler
that is handling event
The new Event object includes all the properties of the original.
When creating your own custom Event class, you must override the
inherited Event.clone()
method in order for it to duplicate the
properties of your custom class. If you do not set all the properties that you add
in your event subclass, those properties will not have the correct values when listeners
handle the redispatched event.
In this example, PingEvent
is a subclass of Event
and therefore implements its own version of clone()
class PingEvent extends Event { var URL:String; public override function clone():Event { return new PingEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, URL); } }
Event — A new Event object that is identical to the original.
public static const AUTHENTICATION_FAILED:String = "authenticationFailed"
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Asset Composer“ 9.5 |
Laufzeitversionen: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
This type of event would be dispatched when authentication fails using the username, password. As a response to this type of event an application can show an error message to the user. This event would only happen when authentication is done using username and password and NOT in SSO case.
public static const AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED:String = "authenticationRequired"
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Asset Composer“ 9.5 |
Laufzeitversionen: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
This type of event would be dispatched when authentication using SSO is not achieved. And due to that we require the user's username and password for authentication. As a response to this event the application can show the login page to the user.
public static const AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS:String = "authenticationSuccess"
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Asset Composer“ 9.5 |
Laufzeitversionen: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
This type of event would be dispatched when the Authentication process is successful. Authentication might have been done with SSO or username and password. As a response to this event the application can show the welcome page to the user The application may want to perform specific check for permission/role so as to verify the user is allowed. So as a response to this event the application would do those checks and then only show the welcome page
public static const LOAD_USER_COMPLETE:String = "loadUserComplete"
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Asset Composer“ 9.5 |
Laufzeitversionen: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
This type of event would be dispatched when load User is complete.
public static const LOGOUT_COMPLETE:String = "logoutComplete"
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Asset Composer“ 9.5 |
Laufzeitversionen: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
This type of event would be dispatched when logout is complete. As a response to this event the application may show a logout page informing the user that he has been logged out. Or the application can take the user back to login page
public static const RENEW_SESSION_COMPLETE:String = "renewSessionComplete"
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Asset Composer“ 9.5 |
Laufzeitversionen: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10 |
This type of event would be dispatched when renew Session is complete.
Tue Jun 12 2018, 10:04 AM Z