Email service settings

Email is commonly used to distribute content or provide status information as part of an automated process. The Email service (EmailService) enables processes to receive email messages from a POP3 or IMAP server, and send email messages to an SMTP server.

For example, a process uses the Email service to send an email message with a PDF form attachment. The Email service connects to an SMTP server to send the email message with the attachment. The PDF form is designed to let the recipient click Submit after completing the form. The action causes the form to be returned as an attachment to the designated email server. The Email service retrieves the returned email message and stores the completed form in a process data form variable.

The following settings are available for the Email service. For details on how to configure these settings, see Configure service settings.

SMTP Host:
The IP address or URL of the SMTP server to use for sending email.

SMTP Port Number:
The port used to connect to the SMTP server.

SMTP Authenticate:
Select if user authentication is required to connect to the SMTP server.

SMTP User:
The user name of the user account to use to log in to the SMTP server.

SMTP Password:
The password that is associated with the SMTP user account.

SMTP Transport Security:
The security protocol to use for connecting to the SMTP server:
  • Select None if no protocol is used (data is sent in clear text)

  • Select SSL if Secure Sockets Layer protocol is used.

  • Select TLS if Transport Layer Security is used.

The IP address or URL of the POP3 or IMAP server to use for sending email.

POP3/IMAP Username:
The user name of the user account to use to log into the POP3 or IMAP server.

POP3/IMAP Password:
The password that is associated with the POP3 or IMAP user account.

POP3/IMAP Port Number:
The port used to connect to the POP3 or IMAP server.

The protocol to use for sending and receiving email.

Receive Transport Security:
The security protocol to use for connecting to the SMTP server:
  • Select None if no protocol is used (data is sent in clear text).

  • Select SSL if Secure Sockets Layer protocol is used.

  • Select TLS if Transport Layer Security is used.

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