В пакете com.adobe.icc.editors.managers содержатся служебные классы управления для некоторых общих действий.
Интерфейс | Описание | |
IErrorManager | The interface to handle errors occurring on the client. |
Класс | Описание | |
ACMRelationshipManager | Relationship manager for managing the Relationship browser. | |
CategoryManager | The CategoryManager class helps retrieve and maintain the list of categories and sub-categories existing in the system. | |
ContentSearchManager | The ContentSearchManager lets you search for content in the system by name. | |
DataDictionaryManager | The DataDictionaryManager class helps retrieve and maintain the list of data dictionary names existing in the system. | |
EditorConfigurationManager | The EditorConfigurationManager is the one-stop singleton for loading all kinds of configurations required for the CM Application to run correctly. | |
ErrorManager | The ErrorManager helps you handle errors occurring on the client. | |
ErrorManagerImpl | The class implementing IErrorManager which helps you handle errors occurring on the client. | |
FileUploadManager | The FileUploadManager handles the upload of files to the CM server. | |
IccSearchManager | Icc specific implementation of SearchManager which removes "Archive" state assets from results. | |
ImportExportManager | A manager for managaging the asset import export functionality. | |
PreferencesManager | The PreferencesManager is a singleton providing storage for various user preferences like preferred data dictionary and preferred categories. | |
RevertManager | A manager for reverting the assets. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 11:49 AM Z