Paket | |
Klasse | public class ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil |
Vererbung | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil ![]() |
Implementiert | IReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil |
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Review, Commenting, and Approval“ 10 |
Laufzeitversionen: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
Eigenschaft | Definiert von | ||
channelSet : ChannelSet
Channel set for remote operation calls. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
![]() | constructor : Object
Ein Verweis auf das Klassenobjekt oder die Konstruktorfunktion für eine angegebene Objektinstanz. | Object |
Methode | Definiert von | ||
The constructor for ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil class. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
This remote function can be used to get a map of names and description of processes that can be used for customizing the review and commenting workflow. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
Veraltet: Verwenden Sie ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil.findCustomProcesses()
This remote function can be used to get a list of processes that can be used for processing stage workflow. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
Veraltet: Verwenden Sie ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil.findCustomProcesses()
This remote function can be used to get a list of processes that can be used as pre- and post-process hooks in a stage workflow. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
Veraltet: Verwenden Sie ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil.findCustomProcesses()
This remote function can be used to get a list of processes that can be used to generate tracking sheets for a stage workflow. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
![]() |
Gibt an, ob für ein Objekt eine bestimmte Eigenschaft definiert wurde. | Object | |
This remote operation can be used to check whether the invoker has the permissions that are specified in a list. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
invokeLiveCycleService(serviceName:String, operationName:String, inputParams:Array):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
This remote operation can be used to invoke a document sever service. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
![]() |
Gibt an, ob eine Instanz der Object-Klasse in der Prototypkette des Objekts vorhanden ist, das als Parameter angegeben wurde. | Object | |
![]() |
Gibt an, ob die angegebene Eigenschaft vorhanden ist und durchlaufen werden kann. | Object | |
![]() |
Legt die Verfügbarkeit einer dynamischen Eigenschaft für Schleifenoperationen fest. | Object | |
![]() |
Gibt die Stringdarstellung dieses Objekts zurück, formatiert entsprechend den Konventionen des Gebietsschemas. | Object | |
![]() |
Gibt das angegebene Objekt als String zurück. | Object | |
![]() |
Gibt den Grundwert des angegebenen Objekts zurück. | Object |
channelSet | Eigenschaft |
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Review, Commenting, and Approval“ 10.0 |
Laufzeitversionen: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
Channel set for remote operation calls.
public function get channelSet():ChannelSet
public function set channelSet(value:ChannelSet):void
ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | () | Konstruktor |
public function ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil()
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Review, Commenting, and Approval“ 10.0 |
Laufzeitversionen: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
The constructor for ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil
findCustomProcesses | () | Methode |
public function findCustomProcesses():mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Review, Commenting, and Approval“ 10.0 |
Laufzeitversionen: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
This remote function can be used to get a map of names and description of processes that can be used for customizing the review and commenting workflow. These processes include pre- and post-process hooks to a stage workflow, tracking sheet processes, and tracking stage workflow processes. These processes are deployed on Document Server. The processes are returned in the format.
<key="PROCESS_HOOK"><value="SampleProcess"> <key="SampleProcess"><value="SampleProcessDescription">
The processes are returned against the keysPROCESS_HOOK
Rückgabewertemx.rpc:AsyncToken — It returns a token on which success or fault handlers can be attached. The resulting event contains a map of process names and description.
findCustomRCAProcesses | () | Methode |
public function findCustomRCAProcesses():mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Review, Commenting, and Approval“ 10.0 |
Laufzeitversionen: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
This remote function can be used to get a list of processes that can be used for processing stage workflow. These processes are deployed on Document Server.
Rückgabewertemx.rpc:AsyncToken — It returns a token on which success or fault handlers can be attached. The resulting event contains the list of stage work flow processes.
findProcessHooks | () | Methode |
public function findProcessHooks():mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Review, Commenting, and Approval“ 10.0 |
Laufzeitversionen: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
This remote function can be used to get a list of processes that can be used as pre- and post-process hooks in a stage workflow. These processes are deployed on Document Server.
Rückgabewertemx.rpc:AsyncToken — It returns a token on which success or fault handlers can be attached. The resulting event contains the list of process hooks.
findTrackingSheetProcess | () | Methode |
public function findTrackingSheetProcess():mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Review, Commenting, and Approval“ 10.0 |
Laufzeitversionen: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
This remote function can be used to get a list of processes that can be used to generate tracking sheets for a stage workflow. These processes are deployed on Document Server.
Rückgabewertemx.rpc:AsyncToken — It returns a token on which success or fault handlers can be attached. The resulting event contains the list of tracking sheet processes.
hasPermission | () | Methode |
public function hasPermission(permissionList:IList):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Review, Commenting, and Approval“ 10.0 |
Laufzeitversionen: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
This remote operation can be used to check whether the invoker has the permissions that are specified in a list.
permissionList:IList — List of permission names.
mx.rpc:AsyncToken — It returns a token on which success or fault handlers can be attached. The resulting event contains a Boolean value. If True the invoker has the specified permissions.
invokeLiveCycleService | () | Methode |
public function invokeLiveCycleService(serviceName:String, operationName:String, inputParams:Array):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Sprachversion: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Produktversion: | Baustein „Review, Commenting, and Approval“ 10.0 |
Laufzeitversionen: | Flash Player 10.2, AIR (unsupported) |
This remote operation can be used to invoke a document sever service.
serviceName:String — Name of the service to be invoked.
| |
operationName:String — Service operation to be invoked.
| |
inputParams:Array — Array of input params (NameValuePair ) for the array.
mx.rpc:AsyncToken — It returns a token on which success or fault handlers can be attached. The resulting event contains the response of service invocation request.
Tue Jun 12 2018, 10:04 AM Z